BBC documentary on Art of Gothic Review

The art of Gothic this documentary posted not catching my interest as it was hard for me to watch until he started talking about tonic messages I was not going just in the building talking about the Gothic architecture about the first crate. Are you interested me when he talked about Salvador and his paintings. Where he had painted a nightmare of the Gothic horror of someone being hung and some of which I am making a potion of baby being sacrificed all the Satanic images only one painting. It makes me wonder where did these images bus coming to his mind and was it the influence of drugs. The whole part in the second episode about with these horror fiction had been originally I was quite fascinated that Frankenstein's story was actually mean by a woman I was never aware of this. The Half man and half insect was actually meant to mark the scientists and their research. As people back then was afraid of science and science was fairly new. Interests me in the aspect of make up as recreate these characters when they were originated back in so many decades before our time. Now days we have so many monsters and to think that it started from just a few people who were brave enough to talk about Gothic in books and novels to bring the people who were afraid to talk about the Gothic horror peace of mind. I think the human nature always have the six sense that we are afraid of the unknown and in the dog recreate these images in our mind that seem monstrous and supernatural. I think it's all got to do with as there at that time they did not know for sure what happened to the human so stay on as they move on to a better place there was all these questions in the air people back then were afraid to talk about due to the fact of religion most probably all just not wanting to know if what they suspect or six sense that the human body has not maybe they were in denial or not. The public dimensions particular wrote a book about his use of OPM triggered a whole new world of Gothic horror and we will take opium and that would he would be able to create books and books and books of horror stories. In my point of you drugs play with the human mind and the vision and it can affect the brain in such a way that we visual things that may not even be true at all but who am I to say that some of these Gothic horror story is not true. In the third episode I really like the beginning where he started talking about Dracula we all love vampires and the bloodsucking demons. WCaught my attention the most is when he speaks about the capital city being Dracula himself. Meaning that it is sucking the blood dry out of people who are working hard day and night just to earn money. It's amazing how the logic is very true as we don't have time for peopleor even stopped to say hello as we are busy in our lifestyle especially in London life is so busy here that you hardly have time to speak to your friend for at least five minutes because you're always in a rush to either get to work. Another statement he made was that even if you're not working it doesn't mean that you're not getting sucked in to the capital city because all of the advertisements consumers want to buy more memorable which is very true as working in retail with traffic stop start customers and make them spend spend spend and that really me think of how that logic is so true. Is like what he said that the customers are in chaunted but he's fine with things in life and the sellers are the one who works for Dracula all Damian and say come here look at this this will make you feel better this will make you feel in such a way and that's the way the world kind of rotate around. Overall I wasn't too fond of this series at the beginning and I did find it boring at first but when he started talking about the characters and what could be the main meaning to these characters what please characters actually mean what is the rule meaning behind these characters such as the insect man is the logic of scientists and it was originated to me basically mock scientists because they believed in changing cells into uni and wanting to find out about who we are as humans and what can humans form into. I am really glad I actually carried on watching this three episodes series about the gothic art.


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